When I was a kid I was fascinated with my parent’s Petri 7s. They thought it was cute and allowed me to take pictures from time to time. As I got older my requests to use the Petri increased and cute became annoying. To my delight, on my 13th birthday my parents gave me a Minolta SRT 101 SLR with 58mm f1.7. Photography has been integral piece of me since.
Today, 40 years later, I still carry a camera wherever I go. Often it’s a 35mm. Anything that catches my eye, I photograph. Like thoughts I write in my journal, these photographs are usually never suitable for anyone but me. Sometimes though, I create a photograph or discover a visual idea that’s worthy of developing further. I will share some of those ideas on this website.
I live in Kingston, Pennsylvania with my wife, Tammy, and my children, Miranda, Bryce, and Nora.
Not only am I a photographer, a husband, and a father, I’m also a software developer under the wing of High-Test Systems.
My latest and most exciting project is Camera Changer, and you can learn more about it at camerachanger.com.
Life is good.